Our curtains are A2P certified!

The 1627 standard and the A2P mark set out the requirements and classification systems for burglary resistance characteristics (ability of curtains and grilles to resist attempts to force their way into a protected space by physical force or by predetermined tools). of curtains and metal grilles to resist attempts to force their way into a protected space by physical force or by predetermined tools). The certification is based on 3 standards to establish the resistance class of the products.

Standard 1628

Determines the resistance to static loads. The roll-up door passes the following tests:

  • Curtain lift
  • Slat extraction test
  • Load on the sliding/curtain junction

Standard 1629

The resistance to dynamic loads is evaluated. Tests are performed on the roll-up door:

  • A 50kg hanging impact body targets 5 specific locations on the grille

Standard 1630

To measure the resistance to human break-in attempts, tests are performed on the roll-up door :

  • A set of tools is determined and the gate must resist various break-in attempts

The A2P brand offers two certifications:

  • A2P R
  • a2P CR

The C meets the 1628 and 1629 standards, i.e. resistance to static and dynamic loads.

The R meets the 1630 standard, i.e. resistance to human break-in attempts.

The CR means that a product has passed all the standards 1628, 1629 and 1630.

How are the tests performed?

Standard 1628

A load is applied with a hydraulic cylinder on :

  • The link between the sliding and the curtain
  • The guiding ralls or slides
  • The extraction of the final Slat of the curtain
  • The lifting of the curtain

Standard 1629

A 50kg pendular impact body is applied to targeted points (the ends and the center of the curtain)

Standard 1630

Our certified products!

Murax Protect 1627

Certified A2P CR3

Murax Granvision

Certified A2P R3

Murax Microperforated

Certified A2P R3

MiniMax & MiniMax VRS curtain

Certified A2P R2

Murax Vision

Certified A2P R2